Keep your power

Keep your Power

The power that you keep

  Often times, we the people, let others affect or mood through emotion. Our happiness or sadness or most emotional states are dependent upon how others treat or talk to us. When you learn not to let others affect your mood in any way shape or form you have had an ego death and you will have learned how to keep your power.
It is never as easy as it sounds. It seems like its always a good idea in the first 5 minutes. It's all rainbows and butterflies until your new shoes are stepped on, someone dents the side of your car or someone says something bad about your momma then it's all bets off.

Which is understandable, but exactly what your agitator would like or want you to do in the situation. Practice the art of no practice. They are only right if you choose to respond in a manner that is the opposite of who you truly are. Fast to anger usually means slow to resolve.     Next time someone says something adverse or unbecoming practice the peace. This is how you slay the beast of Ego. We all wish we could go Super Sayin and through a Kamehameha when they doubt us. True power lies in doing the opposite.

How to keep your power

Before you ascend to your next level of anger breath. It seems simple, but the small things are what really add up. It is important to stay within yourself and not lose yourself like an Eminem song. It is always important to remember who you are.

Truer words have never been spoken. Staying calm is the centerpiece of peace. Staying calm and not getting angry is not the same thing. When you are level headed you make better decisions. You respond better and your blood pressure stays down.

Although you can't be the prince of all sayajins. One can be the prince or princess of all self-control. Where the truest power within yourself is hidden. Don't be too hard on yourself. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes and talk to yourself kindly. 

Event Friday, February the 14th at Joyce Gordon Art Gallery downtown Oakland. 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. jam-packed with fun!


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