How to make money for free online

If the stars in the sky are made up of the same things as you and I. That must mean we are the reflection of the universe. Have you ever wanted to make money? Have you ever wanted to make money with no money down? Have you wanted to make money online, but don't know where to start?

           5 ways to make money Online

•1. Free bitcoin - Satoshi, Satoshi, Satoshi!
Satoshi is the smallest unit of a bit coin. If you have an android app and a little time. You can download a free bitcoin miner app that will mine #sathoshi. Although, it will not get you rich fast, free money is free money! With Bitcoin on the rise, free Satoshi is a must.

1 Satoshi= 0.00000001
฿10 Satoshi= 0.00000010
฿100 Satoshi= 0.00000100
฿= 1 Bit / μBTC (you-bit)1,000 Satoshi= 0.00001000
฿10,000 Satoshi= 0.00010000
฿100,000 Satoshi= 0.00100000
฿= 1 mBTC (em-bit)1,000,000 Satoshi= 0.01000000
฿= 1 cBTC (bitcent)10,000,000 Satoshi= 0.10000000
฿100,000,000 Satoshi= 1.00000000 ฿

•2. Upsale on Craigslist - Often times people are unaware the things that they are giving away or unaware what they're selling for cheap. There's a free section on craigslist of people who are to busy to do the research for thier item. Cross reference any item that you are unsure of with eBay or Amazon. Sometimes you can find a gem for cheap or really cheap.

•3. Upsale from eBay offers up to 50 post for free. View the listing on Cross reference the popular item on eBay check the resale value. List the popular item on eBay. When someone buys it on eBay. You will buy it from Keep your billing address the same but change the mailing address to match the person who bought the item from you. If it's a cheap item you want to resale at least for a $1. It may not seem like a lot but if you do this to a minimum of 50 items you made $50.

•4. Ask for it. With the emergence of crowd funders such as go fund me. It has never been easier to throw yourself a fundraiser. You can ask your friends and family to help you achieve whatever goal it is that you are trying to achieve.

•5. Teach a class -  If you have a craft and you want to put it to use. For example many people want to come to the U.S. that are looking for teachers. Chances are very high that You understand english if you are reading this (sarcasm). You can telecommute a class on Skype or any live streaming application. Share your skills with the world and put a few bitcoins in your pocket

I Will be a featured artist in the RAW event in San Francisco January 10th at 1015 Folsom (21+).

If you are in the area I would love to have your support! Tickets will be avalible soon!! Keep up with all the events on my

I.G. enyggma_

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Good Vibes and increased awareness



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