Vegan Life Pancakes

                       Vegan Life pancakes

   If you had to kill the animal would you still eat meat? Often times in life we are faced with convenience and how "easy" something is or could be. There's a great saying that says anything worth having won't be easy. Anything that comes easy isn't worth having.

   Let's eat some food that gives you real energy and that isn't a superficial boost. Gaining energy from living or live foods is the reality. Everything in the universe has energy behind it, either positive or negative. The choice is upon the one who realizes this to use the power wisely.

                          *Vegan Pancakes*

1/2 cup of coconut milk
2 1/2 cup spelt flour.
7 dashes of cinnamon 
1/3 cup of Agave
2 dashes of clove
2 tablespoons apple sauce or 1/4 mashed banana or 2 tablespoons flaxseed
1 pinch of nutmeg 
1 tablespoon grapeseed oil
2 tablespoons baking powder

Preheat to griddle or pan to medium-high. Coat with grapeseed oil. Measure your flour 1 1/2 cup and sift it a through a strainer. Add 1 can of your favorite coconut milk. Or use hemp milk. Add 7 dashes of cinnamon 2 dashes of clove and 1 pinch of nutmeg and sugar 1 cup. 

Wisk for 5 - 10 minutes or until completely smooth. Check the consistency to make sure the batter is thick enough. Too thin and it will not cook properly.  

Grab a large spoon or a gravy ladle works great. Dip and drip your batter onto the pan or griddle. Always watch your food. In about 5 mins it should be Brown and thick enough for you to flip. 

Loosen any stuck portions with a spatula before attempting to flip. Flip and let the side cook for 5-8 mins or until brown. When it's done remove from skillet and it's like magic!


I.g. @ Relm.of.Shellz
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Closing question - What are you willing to give up for your freedom?

As always,
Good Vibes and increased awareness



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